XPDC Berakit Antarabangsa Sg. Pahang.. 2008
Okeh... XPDC Berakit Antarabangsa muncul kembali tahun ni... Kali ni tak banyak rakit yang menyertainya... dan xpdc kali ni juga beberapa orang ahli ORR ada menyertainya tapi bukanlah ORR yang hantar rakit... tapi menyertai pasukan rakit AADK Pahang.... alaa janji ahli ORR kan... Laporan Setakat 28.04.2008 Semalam dapat satu berita... sehingga semalam... dah 17 rakit karam, ada yang pecah dan tenggelam, rakit AADK pun ada jugak.. tapi dah digantikan yang baru... dengar citer ada yang karam tuh sebab terlanggar jambatan... apa nak buat kan... h Laporan pada 1 Mei 2008 Sempena Cuti Hari Pekerja yang lalu, aku, sham n anip berkesempatan untuk ke Kg Pesagi, Chenor untuk tengok program berakit ni.. kali ni laluannya lebih kurang 36KM dari Kg. Guai.. jadi dalam 5.00 ptg.. dah banyak rakit yang sampai.. dan mereka diberi sambutan yang meriah oleh penduduk kampung... rakit AADK pun sampai awal juga.. jadi bolehlah kami jumpa abang shah n papa black.. oh ye.. duan pun ada... heheh abang asri awal2 lagi kami dah berjumpa dekat booth AADK.. dia tak naik rakit sebab migrain.. oklah.. kita tengok gambar (gambar tak clear sebab guna HP jer... janji leh tengok k)
Siapa yang pergi.... Abang Shah, Abang Asri dan Papa Black... apa criter... nanti dah balik baru interview.. K...
di bawah ni ada sedikit artikel mengenai XPDC Berakit Antarabangsa ni... check it out...
International Pahang River Rafting Expedition
Venue : Kuala Lipis - Pekan
Date : 27 April - 04 May 2008
Organised By :
Perbadanan Kemajuan Bukit Fraser
Synopsis :
The expedition is organized in conjunction with the National Water Festival Month which is held in April each year.The expedition is open to everyone above 18 years of age in sound health.Each participating team will consist of 6 persons with 5 persons on the raft at all times. The sixth person serves as a back-up.The participants will stop and spend the night at the designated villages. As part of the expedition, participants will be entertained by the villagers with 'kenduri kampung and cultural presentations.
Promotional Material
To create rafting as an activity for tourist
To promote the Pahang River as a tourism product.
To rediscover the culture, arts, traditional games and food of the indigenous villagers.
To document fresh discoveries and experiences of participants.
The Pahang River , 329 kilometers long from Kuala Tembeling to the Royal Town of Pekan, is the longest river in Peninsula Malaysia.In the Early Years, the river was a very important mode of communication between the villages that prospered along it banks. Over the years, modernization has changed the function of Pahang River as the main mode of communication. Nevertheless, the art, culture, traditional games and food of the riverine people still remain in the respective villages. The Rafting Expedition along the great Pahang River is an attempt to rediscover the human wealth of our people.The Pahang River International Rafting Expedition 2008, which started in 2001, is fast gaining in popularity as a water sports. In the event, participant use only bamboo rafts to navigate the river to the finish point. Along the way, participant will enjoy the flora and fauna use the scenic traditional villages and at the same time meet the friendly local people in 'kenduri kampung' or feasts.
cau cin cau..... muahahhaa
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